KingKung Blog

An App for the Better

In our class so far many of our discussions have been centered around artificial intelligence and its effects within society today. AI is rapidly involving and immersing itself into society. Humans are having to quickly adapt as it becomes more and more advanced. A lot of our discussions have been about how AI can be harmful and what challenges we will face as it evolves. However, I think AI is the future and will help the evolution of society for good.

A possible app I would use artificial intelligence for is within the healthcare industry. The app would be able to track everything relating to your personal and mental health such as your diet, exercise, sleep, heart rate, blood levels, and so much more. The key to the app would be that it would be able to gather the data in a way without you having to input every little thing that is going on in your life. It would then provide possible solutions to areas of your life you are trying to improve or are struggling in. The algorithm and software would be extremely complex, but it would be an essential part of one’s personal health.

This application would take in a lot of data as well as personal information which people may see as an invasion of privacy. However, most phones today already track your health, diet, sleep, and many other things, it just is across several apps and you have to constantly be updating it. This app would be so simple that you could either turn it on or off and not to have to continuously check it. This application would be able to pass the algorithm audit because it has no biases. It takes in data provided by your daily life and routine and shares it strictly with you. As the app gathers more data it becomes smarter giving the user more specific things related to their personal health. My evidence is that it doesn’t treat any one person or group different than the next. The data can be trusted as it will not be shared with anyone except for the company and advertisements will not be within the app so no data will be shared to them either. The platform’s definition of success would be to improve the physical and mental health of every individual while removing the stress of numerous apps and the labor of updating them. The hope for this  application would be to have few errors which would be complex to build and it would fail for no one as long as the software is accurate. Long-term effects is that adds it gathers more data on the user it will be able to track what you did in the past and present, and see what you may be doing in the future. This is the future of personal health.

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