KingKung Blog

How’s it Going?

The tool that I have been using the most for my Digital Essay that we learned is Voyant. Most of the research I have conducted and have been using so far involves articles that have a lot of writing and not a lot of data. Specifically, one of the articles that Voyant was great for […]

The Future State

I would tell the future students of this class to be ready for a class that is heavily discussion based where you have to push the boundaries of thought. Taking a DCI class as a first-year and now again as a senior has allowed me to see the class from two different perspectives. As a […]

Learning how to Map

Using the CoEducation Report and the data we collected in class I able to create a map to display where people specifically were against integrating Washington and Lee as a coeducational institution. The tool I used was data wrapper which was created by a large institution with a group of people. It was free and […]

What does the Map Say?

The project I decided to look deeper into is Mapping Marronage which is an interactive visualization of the trans-Atlantic networks of enslaved people in the 18th and 19th century. It was created by the Agile Humanities Agency which is a software, design, and consulting collective. According to their website they work with academic researchers and […]

Conference Review

During my meeting with Professor Abdoney, we discussed the digital essay and my topic in general. Specifically, I asked her questions around how to best execute the visualization part of my essay. She recommended I use Voyant where I could copy and paste different parts of articles and use that as my text visualization. This […]

The Proposal

The topic for my project is looking at the relationship between artificial intelligence and education, specifically looking at the rise of ChatGPT and how education systems have reacted. The reason I decided to write my digital essay on this topic is because of the prevalence of artificial intelligence recently and how popular ChatGPT has become. […]

A Deeper Dive

For this blog post we were tasked with taking a deep dive into a specific text analysis project. I decided to choose the project named “Robots Reading Vogue”. The project takes over a century’s worth of data from the magazine Vogue which contains over 2,700 covers, 400,000 pages, and 6 TB of data. The project was created […]

Visualizing Data

My experience crafting these visualization was slightly difficult. The Coeducation Report given to us did not contain a large amount of data to be able to create several different visualizations for. I was eventually able to find a part of the report that had a large data set that I knew would work well to […]

Exploring IBM

I decided to take a deeper dive into the IBM website because it was one of the first websites that came up when I Googled “artificial intelligence”. IBM is an extremely old company being founded in 1911 and is a technology corporation with a presence all over the world. The website’s primary focus is to […]

Annotated Bibliography

“ChatGPT.” Wikipedia, 17 Feb. 2023. Wikipedia, This is the main Wikipedia page to learn what ChatGPT is, such as its features and how it was launched. This will be helpful in the introduction of my essay on what ChatGPT is and how it was created. Kay, Grace. “The History of ChatGPT Creator OpenAI, Which […]

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